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Uni-Mix® Integral Concrete Colorants

Uni-Mix® Integral Concrete Colorants

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The MARSHALLTOWN Uni-Mix® Integral Concrete Colorants add color and vibrance to your concrete areas and come in a wide variety of colors. The colorant is added directly to the truck while the concrete is mixing. You need 1 bag of colorant per 1 cubic yard of concrete. A bag of colorant will accommodate 5 sacks (470 lbs) of Portland cement per cubic yard (3500 psi mix) and/or 6 sacks (564 lbs) of Portland cement per cubic yard (4000 psi mix) of concrete. All MARSHALLTOWN Uni-Mix® Integral Concrete Colorants are Made in the USA with Global Materials. Please note - this product has a 15 day lead-time before shipping.
  • 1 bag of colorant is required per 1 cubic yard of cement
  • Bags can accommodate 5 sacks of Portland cement and/or 6 sacks of Portland cement per yard of concrete
  • Pick from a variety of colors
  • 15 day lead-time before shipping
  • Made in the USA with Global Materials


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