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Graco Triton Aluminum 100 Psi @ 8.5 GPM Bare Package Air-Powered Sprayer - Stand Mount
Graco Triton Aluminum 100 Psi @ 8.5 GPM Bare Package Air-Powered Sprayer - Stand Mount
Graco Triton Aluminum 100 Psi @ 8.5 GPM Bare Package Air-Powered Sprayer - Stand Mount
Graco Triton Aluminum 100 Psi @ 8.5 GPM Bare Package Air-Powered Sprayer - Stand Mount

Graco Triton Aluminum 100 Psi @ 8.5 GPM Bare Package Air-Powered Sprayer - Stand Mount

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Triton Aluminum Pump Package, stand mount with suction hose. Does not include applicator.

Triton is an air-operated diaphragm spray package that applies a high quality, decorative finish to wood and metal parts. It is a more effective alternative to traditional pressure pots and standard diaphragm pumps.

  • Superior finish quality for conventional, HVLP and compliant or electrostatic applications
  • Supplies up to 35% extra air flow to gun for superior atomization
  • Saves material and time during flushing, priming and color changes
  • Delivers a consistent spray pattern and uniform film thickness
  • Quick color changes and fast material refills save time and money
  • Rugged, stainless steel or aluminum construction pump handles a wide variety of fluids
  • Quick color changes and fast material refills save time and money
  • Rugged, aluminum construction pump handles a wide variety of fluids


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100 PSI8.5 GPMAir Poweredall other productsbf2023canadanomapnot canadapaintsprayerprisyncROAS 6.6Ship6to9daysspo-defaultspo-disabledStand Mount