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Trimaco Aqua Shield® PE-Coated Flooring Seam Tape (Pack of 16)
Trimaco Aqua Shield® PE-Coated Flooring Seam Tape (Pack of 16)

Trimaco Aqua Shield® PE-Coated Flooring Seam Tape (Pack of 16)

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The perfect companion to our Aqua Shield Surface Protector. This PE-coated cloth backed tape consists of a natural rubber-based adhesive. Aqua Shield® flooring seam tape provides an excellent balance of tensile strength and tear-ability.

The 3″ wide adhesive tape is the perfect size to cover Aqua Shield® seams. To apply, simply overlap the Aqua Shield surface protector seams roughly a half inch. While keeping the floor protector in place, carefully apply seam tape to bind the material. Do not apply directly to floors. As a best practice, use a less aggressive tape to secure surface protector. Test before use.

Tested in accordance with UL 723 and proudly made in the USA.
  • 2.83″ x 180′
  • Strong and made to last throughout job
  • Made in the USA

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