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Shop Fox Tools Deluxe Pen Press

Shop Fox Tools Deluxe Pen Press

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Any woodturner who enjoys making pens needs a high-quality pen press to accurately and reliably press parts together. This pen press is made from high-quality materials, including a heavy steel base that provides a solid foundation for pen assembly. The brass knobs and ergonomically friendly rubber handle provide for comfortable use.

The screw knob on the side can be used for fine-tuned adjustments and dual pressing methods, with either the screw-knob or the lever, allows allowing for greater flexibility in making pens.

It’s simple and easy to use – for both professionals and novices alike. To use, press the brass button to move the threaded shaft into position. Release the brass button and fine tune to the exact position with the screw knob. Then, press the parts together with either the ergonomically-friendly lever, or use the screw knob which provides ample pressing power.


  • Heavy steel base
  • brass knobs
  • Ergonomic rubber handle
  • Screw knob for fine-tuned adjustments
  • Lever and screw knob provide dual pressing methods
  • Quick-release button


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