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Schulz of America SCR 4005 R 116 PSI @ 12.5 CFM 230V Single Phase Cabinetized Scroll Compressor - Base Mounted w/ Fan Cooled Aftercooler (PLC Controlled)

Schulz of America SCR 4005 R 116 PSI @ 12.5 CFM 230V Single Phase Cabinetized Scroll Compressor - Base Mounted w/ Fan Cooled Aftercooler (PLC Controlled)

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Schulz scroll compressors main feature is the generation of high-quality oil less compressed air for critical applications, such as food and beverage, semiconductors and cosmetic market segments. They may also be applied in certain pharmaceuticals, dental and medical/hospital applications. Schulz Scroll compressors come enclosed, with or without integrated air dryers and are available in base or tank mounted configurations. Schulz Scroll compressors are microprocessor controlled and can be adapted for sequencing for higher CFM requirements. Oil Less Schulz Scrolls generate, treat and store high quality compressed air free of condensate and oil. All with less space occupied and affordable installation costs. Choose the best option for your company.


  • Complete Oil Less - Scroll Compressors do not contain any oil
  • Quiet and Reliable - Low noise & Vibration levels
  • Compact Size
    - Flexible package designs
    - Tank or base mounted
    - With or without refrigerated air dryers
  • Enclosed - Safe
  • PLC Controlled - Sequence controllers to combine for higher deliveries
Model SCR 4005 R
Maximum Pressure (PSI) 87-116
Voltage (V) 230
Air Displacement (l/min)
Air Displacement (CFM) 12.5
Tank Size (gal) 48
Motor Power (hp) 5
Dimensions L x W x H 53.3" x 49.2" x 18.7"


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116 PSI12.5 CFM208V48 gal.7000-10000aircompressorbf2023catchallshipHorizontallowmarginnot canadapmax ad electric air compressorsprisyncROAS 3Rotary Screwschulz-of-americaScrollSingle PhaseStationary