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SAS N95 Particulate Respirators - 20/BX
SAS N95 Particulate Respirators - 20/BX
SAS N95 Particulate Respirators - 20/BX

SAS N95 Particulate Respirators - 20/BX

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Features inner foam for a custom seal, while a dual head strap provides optimum fit. Effective against particulate aerosols free of oil. Helps provide comfortable, reliable worker protection against certain non-oil based particles in work applications including grinding, sanding, sweeping, bagging and other dusty operations. Model 8611 features an exhalation valve to reduce hot air build-up and keep workers cool. NIOSH Approved.



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20all other productsbf2023canadacatchallshipDual/Optimum FitExhalation Valve (N)exportlistpLatex FreeMoldednogooglenomapNoneNose Clip (Y)respiratorROAS 3sasspo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200Universal