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RPB® 17-0025 T200® Respirator - PX5 PAPR Assembly

RPB® 17-0025 T200® Respirator - PX5 PAPR Assembly

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17-0025 RPB T200 Respirator, includes: 17-210-22 T200 Air Duct/Bump Cap Assembly with 17-722 Tychem 2000 Face Seal, 04-831 Breathing Tube, 03-802 PX5 PAPR Assembly, 03-894 Multi Gas Cartridge - NIOSH

Great protection, greater comfort with the T200.

Industry use

Multi-use protection
The T200 is a multi-use respirator, designed for a range of industrial applications. With its lightweight construction, and adjustable internal system, the T200 combines comfort with functionality so you can focus on the task in front of you.

Design Features

  • Large viewing window for exceptional downward and peripheral vision.
  • Moveable lens and airduct positioning to accommodate prescription lens glasses and different facial features.
  • Reusable head suspension system.
  • Three Tychem™ hood styles available – face seal, shoulder length face seal, and shoulder length.
  • Deconable head suspension system and disposable hood.
  • Compatible with PAPR and SAR.

Comfort Features

  • Adjustable sizing to ensure a customizable secure fit.
  • Controllable airflow allowing user to direct air over lens or forehead.

Productivity Features

  • Peel-off lenses available for increased productivity.
  • No fit testing required.


Compatible with RPB Quiet-Slim™ ear defenders for use in high noise environments.


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