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RANSBURG 80100-211 High Voltage Controller Non-ATEX for use w/ EVOLVER SE

RANSBURG 80100-211 High Voltage Controller Non-ATEX for use w/ EVOLVER SE

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The Ransburg 9060 High Voltage Control-ler (80100-XXX) is used to provide high voltage for electrostatic application equipment.It uses a combination of proven high voltage generation technology and microprocessor-based control.It uses a variable voltage output to drive a cascade that amplifies the voltage to a high kV level.current feedback information to maintain the desired set point. The processor circuitry provides the maximum in applicator transfer efficiency, while maintaining the maximumsafety.The 9060 Controller can operate in either LOCAL mode or REMOTE mode conditions.In the LOCAL mode, the selection and adjustment of set point values is performed from the controller front panel. The triggering of the HVin LOCAL mode is initiated by the optional airflow switch built into the controller (which senses airflow triggered by a standard handgun) or via a single discrete remote I/O trigger signal. In REMOTE mode, the selection and adjustment of the set point can be performed using either discrete or analog remote I/O signals.Two tripleset signals are provided that can be used to select one of the same three presets that are set and used in LOCAL mode.Two analog remote I/O set point signals are provided, one for current and one for voltage, and can be used to control the setpoint (See the Operation portion of this Manual for more information). The REMOTE mode triggering of HV is performed using a single discrete remote I/O trigger signal.


When used with the appropriate applicators and cascades, the Ransburg 9060 High Voltage Controller provides maximized operational safety. The protections include detection of Boot Faults, Ground Faults, Cable Faults, Feedback Signal Faults, Overvoltage, and Overcurrent. The microprocessor circuits provide a controlled output load curve, which limits the high voltage output to safe levels while monitoring control and feedback signals for unsafe conditions. Maximum operational safety is obtained when the correct applicator settings are used and when safe distances between the applicator and target are observed and followed. The maximum efficiency of the high voltage controller is based on load.

Technical Specifications
Operating Temperature: 0°C to +40°C
Storage and Shipping Temperature:
-40°C to +85°C (Allow power supply to go to room temperature before use)
Humidity: 95% Non-Condensing
Height: 16.5 cm (6.5 inches)
Width: 37.8 cm (14.9 inches)
Depth: 30.7 cm (12.1 inches)
Weight: 10.2 kg (22.5 lbs.)
Input Voltage: 100-240 VAC
Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz
Current: 1 A max. RMS
Wattage: 40 watts (max.)
Output Voltage: 20-VDC (max.)
Output Current:
20-90kV MAX DC,adjustable in1kV increments
Ground: Use known good earth ground



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