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Walcom Pressure Regulator With Diaphragm & Digital Gauge

Walcom Pressure Regulator With Diaphragm & Digital Gauge

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The ultimate in spray gun performance. Diaphragm technology compensates for air pressure fluctuations caused by cycling air compressors and other users on the same system.
Suitable for all Walcom™ guns: Slim, Slim Xlight, Slim Kombat, Topline Genesi, EGO and can be fitted to most leading brands of spray guns.
Threads Inlet 1/4″ – Outlet 1/4″, with EPDM chemically resistant membrane
Max Press. 10 Bar (145 Psi)
Temp. Range: 5-50ºC
! Do not insert or clean the membrane regulator in spray gun washers.

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