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Off-Set Knives (2/Pack)

Off-Set Knives (2/Pack)

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WAL-BOARD TOOLS Off-Set Knife is made of durable 1095 blue spring steel and is spot welded to a steel backing. The 1/2” (12.7 mm) off-set provides better knuckle clearance, allowing you to get closer to corners and walls without straining your hands or running your knuckles through wet mud. This knife comes with an 18” (457 mm) hardwood handle. Choose between an 18” (457 mm) and 20” (508 mm) blade length.
  • Durable 1095 blue spring steel blade spot welded to steel backing​
  • 1/2” (12.7 mm) off-set provides better knuckle clearance​
  • 18” (457 mm) straight hardwood handle ​
  • Choose 18” (457 mm) or 20” (508 mm) blade length.
  • Replacement handle is available (40135)


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