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MSA- FP5K™ Tie-Back Energy-Absorbing Lanyards (1587641548835)
MSA- FP5K™ Tie-Back Energy-Absorbing Lanyards (1587641548835)
MSA- FP5K™ Tie-Back Energy-Absorbing Lanyards (1587641548835)
MSA- FP5K™ Tie-Back Energy-Absorbing Lanyards (1587641548835)
MSA- FP5K™ Tie-Back Energy-Absorbing Lanyards (1587641548835)

MSA- FP5K™ Tie-Back Energy-Absorbing Lanyards

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Lanyard utilizes a carabiner with a 1" gate opening and 5,000-lb. gate strength in any direction that allows it to be tied back directly to the lanyard. Carabiner body shape helps avoid confusion with standard connectors not designed for tie-back applications. The 6' adjustable web utilizes Monster-Edge webbing with 12,000-lb. minimum breaking strength and designed for increased abrasion resistance. Internal wear indicator consists of two yellow threads that, when visible, alert a user that the lanyard should be removed from service. Utilizes the Sure-Stop shock absorber to keep fall arrest forces below 900 lbs.

Features and Specs:

  • 5000 pound gate strength in any direction
  • Combination surface gate (knurled edge/flat edge)
  • Safety Recess
  • Unique design
  • Offset Gate Design
  • Sure-Stop Shock-Absorber
  • Meets OSHA regulations, ANSI A10.32 / Z359.1-2007 standards and is CSA certified to Z259.11-05 E4.


  • Confined Space
  • Working at Heights


Meets ANSI A10.32 & ANSI Z359.1, and applicable OSHA regulations.
USA Approvals

ANSI Z359.13 - IAC 007_CAL
Canadian Approvals

CSA Z259.11-2005 - 12-17-2012_2056789_r7


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310 lb.6ftall other productsANSI A10.32ANSI Z359.1ANSI Z359.13bf2023canadacatchallshipCSA Z259.11-2005Locking Snap Hooksmsanogooglenomapnot canadaNylon MaterialROAS 3ROAS 4Shock Absorber Lanyardspo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200