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MITM R1 4000 PSI 100' x 3 ⁄8" Gray Non-Marking Cold Water Assembled Hose w/ Quick Connect

MITM R1 4000 PSI 100' x 3 ⁄8" Gray Non-Marking Cold Water Assembled Hose w/ Quick Connect

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15-0273 R1 4000 100' x 3 ⁄8", gray, quick connect non-marking 3 ⁄8"M solid x 3 ⁄8"M swivel

When you need extra mobility and length.

·4000-PSI, R1
·100-foot x 3/8-inch ID
·250°F temperature rating


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250°F3/8" Swivel (Male) and 3/8" Socket (Female)3/8" x 100'4000 PSI500-1000all other productsbf2023Cold WaterdiaphragmpumpLeadTime3weeksM22 Threadedmi-t-mnomappmax ad pressure washer hosesprisync8824ProfessionalProsumerROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledThreaded