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Karcher 9.803-716.0 Chlorinated Degreaser, 55Gal Pressure Water Detergents

Karcher 9.803-716.0 Chlorinated Degreaser, 55Gal Pressure Water Detergents

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Chlorinated Degreaser is a high-powered, non-caustic, general purpose cleaner with a bleach additive for extra-effective cleaning of floors, walls, cabinets, ceilings, pens and crates in a variety of applications, particularly kitchens, food processing and animal control. The chlorinated formula of KD-120 attacks stains, dirt, soils with carbon, oils, fats and greases plus removes mildew, mold, soap scum and tough odors. It’s safe on aluminum, stainless steel, glass, plastic and paint. NSF registered for use in Federally inspected food plants.


Technical data

Packaging size (gal) 55
pH 9.9
Foaming High


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