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Karcher 1.109-796.0 HDS 9.5/30 Eh ST LP

Karcher 1.109-796.0 HDS 9.5/30 Eh ST LP

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Karcher HDS 9.5/30 Eh ST liquid propane washer transports 9.5 GPM at 3000 PSI of industrial power!


  • Enhanced cabinet design featuring six removable panels and secure lock fasteners for convenient access to components during maintenance, even in confined spaces.
  • Effortless access to the burner ring facilitated by a swing-out design and a separate ignition pilot light, ensuring easy removal and maintenance.
  • Upgraded belt tensioning system, dubbed "Stay-Tite," utilizes a torsion bar mechanism for precise adjustment, ensuring optimal tension on the pump.
  • The heating coil, constructed from leak-proof cold-rolled schedule 80 steel pipe, is encased in a thick foil blanket insulation, effectively maintaining cool cabinet walls.
  • The EASY!Force gun incorporates cruise control technology, utilizing recoil force to keep the trigger engaged, reducing strain on hands during prolonged usage.



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