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Jet Tools - JAT-418, 1/4" 90° Angle Composite Die Grinder
Jet Tools - JAT-418, 1/4" 90° Angle Composite Die Grinder
Jet Tools - JAT-418, 1/4" 90° Angle Composite Die Grinder
Jet Tools - JAT-418, 1/4" 90° Angle Composite Die Grinder
Jet Tools - JAT-418, 1/4" 90° Angle Composite Die Grinder

Jet Tools - JAT-418, 1/4" 90° Angle Composite Die Grinder

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  • The new 0.5HP JAT-418 features a powerful motor, lightweight composite and market leading vibration reduction measures in place. We even put an advanced Easy Release safety lever to keep you safe while making it easy to get started on a job.


  • Adjustable exhaust directs air away from the operator
  • Advanced lockoff switch for safety and ease of operation
  • Advanced muffler system for quietest operation in it's class
  • Built in regulator to adjust speed
  • Composite housing provides a light weight yet durable tool that is easy to clean and maintain
  • Precision beveled gears produce lower vibration and a longer operating life
  • Rear adjustable exhaust directs air away from the operator


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