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Jet Tools - Bandsaw Blade 3/4" x .035" x 93" x 6-10VT- Bi-Metal For  HVBS-7MW, J-3410, HVBS-710G/S, HBS-812G

Jet Tools - Bandsaw Blade 3/4" x .035" x 93" x 6-10VT- Bi-Metal For HVBS-7MW, J-3410, HVBS-710G/S, HBS-812G

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Inspect your saw blade at regular intervals for chips or excessive wear. Replace damaged or dull blades for maximum performance and safety. This authentic JET replacement part is designed specifically for your tool and guaranteed to perform to OEM specs.


  • Carbon steel
  • 6/10VT
  • 3/4" x.035" x 93"


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