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IWATA W-400-LV-12WBX 1.2 mm Gravity Spray Gun Only w/ Reg

IWATA W-400-LV-12WBX 1.2 mm Gravity Spray Gun Only w/ Reg

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2112 W-400 W-400-LV-12WBX 1.2 mm Gravity Spray Gun Only W/Reg

W400-LV Compliant Spray Gun

ANEST IWATA W400-LV spray gun complies with regulations for the application of coatings within specific areas and approval is subject to the conditions of your regional air quality agency.

ANEST IWATA W400-LV spray gun sold and distributed within the jurisdiction of regional air quality district is subject to the local rule, includes the following conditions:

ANEST IWATA AK-1B airflow control valve (Item #8130) or the ANEST IWATA AK-1R airflow regulator (Item #8131) shall be supplied with each W400-LV spray gun, and be properly attached to the spray gun and in good working condition.

Air inlet pressure supplied to the W400- LV spray gun shall be equal to or less than 20 psi.


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1.2 mm10.5 CFM100 ml/min200-50079.7 dB(A)9.8"98 PSIbf2023catchallshipConventionalexportlistpGravity FediwataNON-HVLPpaintspraygunpmax ad paint spray gunsprisyncprisynctoadd100324repriceROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledspo-notify-me-disabledSpray Guns