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Honeywell UVEX A800 Anti-Fog Safety Glasses , Clear Lens Color 1/EA

Honeywell UVEX A800 Anti-Fog Safety Glasses , Clear Lens Color 1/EA

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Sperian A800 Series Safety Glasses feature a stylish, wraparound frame that offers an unobstructed field of vision and high impact protection at an affordable price. Soft nosepiece adjusts to various nosebridge shapes for a comfortable, nonslip fit. Sport-styled temples have soft, padded inserts with extra flex built in for added comfort. Nine-base lenses provide a 180° field of distortion-free vision.

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all other productsANSI Z87.1-2010Anti-Fogbf2023canadacatchallshipClear FrameClear LensFlexiblehoneywellnogooglenomapNon-Polarizedpmax ads safety glassesPolycarbonate Frame MaterialprisyncROAS 3Safety Glassessafetyglassesspo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200Universal SizeWraparound