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Heavy Duty Rubber Pails
Heavy Duty Rubber Pails
Heavy Duty Rubber Pails

Heavy Duty Rubber Pails

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MARSHALLTOWN Heavy-Duty Rubber Pails are reliable Masonry and Concrete tools that can hold a variety of different solutions depending on your needs. They are heat, cold, lime, acid, salt, grease, water fuel, and chemical-resistant. The heavy-duty rubber material also prevents rust, dents, leaks, or chips, and it will bounce upon impact if dropped. These Pails are available in three types: Large Tub (60 qt.), Pail w/ Standard Lip (10 or 12 qt.), or Pail w/ Pouring Lip (18 qt.). Choose the right pail to suit your needs. Our Rubber Pails are Made in the USA with Global Materials.
  • Able to hold a variety of solutions
  • Heavy-duty rubber material resistant to heat, cold, acid, chemicals, etc.
  • Prevents rust, dents, leaks, and chips
  • Available in three styles to suit your preference
  • Made in the USA with Global Materials


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