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Grizzly T33875 - 7" A/O Sanding Discs, 60 Grit H&L, 5 Pk.

Grizzly T33875 - 7" A/O Sanding Discs, 60 Grit H&L, 5 Pk.

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T33875 5-Pack of 7" H&L A/O Sanding Discs, 60-Grit

Replacement 7" 60-grit sanding discs.

Sandpaper is an abrasive material used to smooth or shape surfaces. Its coarseness is determined by its grit size, with lower numbers indicating a coarser paper and higher numbers indicating a finer paper.

60-grit sandpaper is perfect for quickly and efficiently removing heavy paint or varnish build-up from rough surfaces such as wood due to its very coarse and abrasive nature.

The T33875 includes five hook and loop sanding discs to complete your sanding projects. Overall, the greatest benefit of hook and loop sanding discs are their time-saving convenience, enabling efficient sanding operations with easy disc changes and secure attachments.

These discs easily attach to the backing plate of the T33306 Rotary Sander Polisher and spins in a single, fixed direction rather than in a random orbit motion.

A/O is short for aluminum oxide which renews its cutting edges constantly. This allows it to stay sharp and cuts much longer than other minerals. Aluminum oxide is an economical choice for sanding bare wood, painted surfaces, and metal. This is why it is the most common all-purpose woodworking abrasive around.


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