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Grizzly T33067 - Honing Paste for Wet Sharpeners

Grizzly T33067 - Honing Paste for Wet Sharpeners

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T33067 Honing Compound

Honing compound is used in combination with a leather stropping wheel on a wet sharpener.

This honing compound can be used to obtain a razor-sharp edge on many tools.

Applying a thin coat of the compound allows the leather to become softer and protected from breakage.

The compound also coats the blade and helps honing the edge while stropping.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S. based.


  • Grizzly T10010 10" Wet Grinder
  • Grizzly T10097 8" Grinder / Sharpener
  • Grizzly T32720 10" Variable-Speed Wet Sharpener


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