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Grizzly T1241 - 20-Ton Double-Pump Hydraulic Press
Grizzly T1241 - 20-Ton Double-Pump Hydraulic Press
Grizzly T1241 - 20-Ton Double-Pump Hydraulic Press
Grizzly T1241 - 20-Ton Double-Pump Hydraulic Press

Grizzly T1241 - 20-Ton Double-Pump Hydraulic Press

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T1241 20-Ton Double-Pump Hydraulic Press

Are you curious to know what the benefits of a hydraulic press are?

The perfect-sized T1241 is a great press for any shop or garage in need of a unit with power, efficiency, and capacity.

Hydraulic presses are known for their ability to generate tremendous force that is require heavy-duty pressing or forming.

The T1241 Hydraulic Press is equipped with a "double pump" feature that allows the ram to quickly approach the workpiece with one pump, and then effortlessly apply 40,000 pounds of force with another.

Used for a wide range of applications, including metalworking, forging, stamping, molding, and others, hydraulic presses can accommodate various materials and shapes.

The table on the T1241 is quick, easy-to-adjust, and allows for workpieces over 39" in length!

The pressure gauge allows the user to read in both metric tons and U.S. tons.

With the simple turn of a knob, the internal return spring automatically lifts the ram from the workpiece and the job is complete! How’s that for efficiency?

The T1241 manual was written by our U.S.-based Technical Documentation Department and is packed with useful information. The complete and easy-to-read manual provides full instructions on how to assemble and maintain your shop press.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are also U.S.-based. Parts for the shop press may be available online and shipped from the Grizzly parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.

Made in an ISO 9001 factory


  • Ram maximum applied force: 20 Tons (40,000 lbs)
  • Ram diameter: 2-3/8"
  • Ram maximum stroke: 5-3/4"
  • Maximum distance to table: 40-1/2"
  • Minimum distance to table: 7-1/2"
  • Bed support pin diameter: 1"
  • Number of bed adjustment holes: 8
  • Bed adjustment hole spacing: 4-3/4"
  • Footprint: 28" W x 28" D
  • Overall dimensions: 32-1/2" W x 33-1/2" D x 72" H
  • Approximate shipping weight: 220 lbs.


  • Hand-pump hydraulic operation
  • Built-in pressure gauge
  • Steel frame for maximum rigidity
  • Adjustable table height for wide array of operations
  • Two steel arbor plates


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