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Grizzly Industrial T33591 - 10" 20T Thin Kerf Woodworker Ii Circular Saw Blade

Grizzly Industrial T33591 - 10" 20T Thin Kerf Woodworker Ii Circular Saw Blade

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You can get glue-ready cuts with no planing, jointing, or sanding needed!

Specially engineered clearances on the carbide teeth can eliminate side scoring. Depending on the accuracy of your saw, this can allow you to achieve a glue line with no additional finish work required. 

The carbide teeth make it easier to feed your workpiece through the saw.

And the ultra-thin kerf produces less waste, which adds up in a production environment.

20T blades are most commonly used for rip cuts.

Raise the blade for thick workpieces. Lower the blade for thin workpieces and get perfect cuts every time.

A must-have for saws up to 1.5 HP


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