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Grizzly G4564 - Moulding Knife - Rabbet / Back Relief
Grizzly G4564 - Moulding Knife - Rabbet / Back Relief
Grizzly G4564 - Moulding Knife - Rabbet / Back Relief
Grizzly G4564 - Moulding Knife - Rabbet / Back Relief

Grizzly G4564 - Moulding Knife - Rabbet / Back Relief

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G4564 Set of Three Rabbet / Back Relief Moulding Knives

These distinct moulding knives create a clean rabbit cut for moulding.

The woodworking industry standardizes the use of moulding which can also be spelled as rabbet molding.

This knife set is for taking a rabbet off the bottom or proving back relief off of trim.

These 1" knives come as a set of three.

The G4564 fits multiple 13" Planer/Moulder machines including the G1037, G1037Z, and W1842.

The Grizzly Technical Support team is U.S. based.


  • Size: 1"
  • Material: Steel



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