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Graco ThermoLazer ProMelt (1587456409635)
Graco ThermoLazer ProMelt (1587456409635)

Graco ThermoLazer ProMelt

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Thermoplastic Handliner
The world’s first fast melt, on-board handliner.

Introducing the world’s first fast melt, on-board handliner – ThermoLazer ProMelt System by Graco. Now, for the first time, it’s possible to melt up to 300 pounds of thermoplastic material (6-50 lb bags) in a handliner in less than one hour! No one else can do this and we’re proud to say that this patent pending system will soon become the new industry standard for years to come.


  • QuadMelt System - Four chamber system can melt 300 lbs of material in less than 1 hour.
  • ControlFlow System - Precise material flow control with a squeeze of a lever.
  • SplitBead Hopper - Holds over 90 lbs (40 kg) of reflective glass beads.
  • EasyGlide System - First thermoplastic line striper with dual rear wheels and Fat Track Front Swivel for smooth LineLazer-like handling.
  • SmoothRide Tires - High-load pneumatic tires provide excellent maneuverability and less rolling resistance.
  • Optional Double-Bead Drop System Kit: installs in minutes for superior retroreflectivity.

Ride-on option:

Why walk when you can ride! Attach a Graco LineDriver to the Thermolazer and:

  • Improve production
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Achieve higher line quality
  • The industry's first ride-on compatible handliner


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