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Graco LineLazer V 250SPS HP Reflective Series
Graco LineLazer V 250SPS HP Reflective Series

Graco LineLazer V 250SPS HP Reflective Series

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High performance striping with the exclusive automatic paint guns makes the LineLazer V 250sps the preferred striper for professional contractors who demand hydraulic power. This striper is ideal for large, heavy-duty line striping jobs including parking lots and road job

Automatic Gun Control System :Manual, Automatic or Semi-Automatic paint and bead guns with the push of a button

Electric Clutch System :Disengages engine for fast starting

25-Gallon (95 L) Paint Hopper :Extended striping time with large capacity hopper

Honda 13 HP GX Engine–Electric Start : Industry proven performance with the most demanded engine by contractors

Remote Mount - Control Box :

  • Simple to use and easy to see in all conditions 
  • Information at-a-glance

Graco Hydraulic Motor System : Graco’s no-stall hydraulic motor for uninterrupted performance

Flex Plus™ Guns:  Industry proven paint guns with LineLazer tips provide precise lines

Endurance Piston Pump System : Long life pump provides precise flow for wide range of striping materials

Rear Gun Mount System : Provides straighter long lines–perfect for bike paths, airports and other long line jobs

Exclusive Self-Centering Front Wheel 

  • Eliminates one user interface for simpler operation
  • Foam filled for stability


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