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Graco Husky 2200 - 200 GPM - Polypropylene Pump, End Flange, Polypropylene Center Section, PVDF Seats, PTFE Balls & PTFE Overmolded Diaphragm

Graco Husky 2200 - 200 GPM - Polypropylene Pump, End Flange, Polypropylene Center Section, PVDF Seats, PTFE Balls & PTFE Overmolded Diaphragm

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Product Description

The Husky 2200 air-operated diaphragm pump features a single piece polypropylene center section for increased reliability and chemical compatibility, plus a patented, high-reliability modular air valve that is online serviceable. This diaphragm pump is designed with a reinforced frame for improved reliability and will help to eliminate fluid leakage.

  • Overall improved air efficiency
  • Highest fluid flow rate in its class
  • Expanded material offering to handle endless applications
  • Available with Overmolded diaphragms (up to 5 times longer diaphragm life)
  • 2 in (50.8 mm) ANSI center and end-porting options available
  • High flow - 200 gpm (757 lpm) in a compact, portable size
  • Fluid pressure to 125 psi (8.6 bar, 0.86 MPa)
  • Lube-free operation
  • Available in polypropylene and PVDF


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125 PSI155 CPM2 in. NPT200 GPMAir OperatedAir Poweredbf2023BOnoETACE Certifieddiaphragmpumpnomapnot canadapmax ad diaphragm pumpsPolypropylene BodyprisyncPTFE BallsPTFE Overmolded DiaphPVDF SeatsROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabled