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Graco Gun Mounted Fluid Regulator, 3/8 twistlock inlet/outlet, 200 max inbound fluid psi (14 bar), SST wetted parts

Graco Gun Mounted Fluid Regulator, 3/8 twistlock inlet/outlet, 200 max inbound fluid psi (14 bar), SST wetted parts

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  • Stainless steel materials are compatible with catalyst and waterborne materials
  • Easy and accurate pressure adjustment at the gun to fine tune pressure settings during production
  • Connects quickly to spray guns using twistlock connector
  • Circulate materials though the regulator to ensure a uniform fluid suspension and eliminate material stagnation



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all other productsbf2023canadaFluid Regulatornomapnot canadapaintsprayerprisyncROAS 6.6Ship6to9daysspo-defaultspo-disabledStainless Steel