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Graco 24X570 10 Gallon Material Hopper

Graco 24X570 10 Gallon Material Hopper

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Part No. 24X570 Hopper Installation Kit

For gravity feeding material to Xtreme® XL Sprayers and Xtreme Sprayers.


  1. 17E114 HOPPER 1
  2. 17C474 BRACKET 1
  3. 17D554 BRACKET, upper 1
  4. 126939 ELBOW, 90° 1
  5. 128095 CAM/GROOVE 1
  6. 17C692 FITTING, cam/groove, 1.5 m, 1-1/2 npt 1
  7. 128094 BUSHING 1
  8. 112395 SCREW 4
  9. 112958 NUT 4
  10. 120781 GASKET 1
  11. 110110 SEALANT, 6ml 1
  12. 15M987 ELBOW, 60° 1
  13. 16U537 LID (not shown) 1

24X570 Installation

Required Tools
• Reciprocating saw with steel cutting blade (sawzall)
• Drill
• 7/16 in. drill bit
• Hammer
• Center punch

1. For Heavy Duty Xtreme Sprayers (Series A and B): Modify cart.
a. Loosen mounting bolts and remove the pump assembly from the cart. See the sprayer manual for instructions.
b. Cut the hose rack so that it is flush with the front of the mounting plate.
c. Modify the front face of the cart as shown to fit the mount plate.

FIG. 1: Xtreme Sprayer Heavy Duty Cart (Series A and B)

FIG. 2: Xtreme Sprayer Heavy Duty Cart (Series A and B)

2. Reassemble pump to cart.
3. Assemble items (4, 5, 6, and 7) with sealant (11).
4. Assemble 60° elbow (12) to pump outlet with sealant (11).
5. Loosely assemble bracket (2) and upper bracket (3) with screws (8) and nuts (9). Once in place, lift bracket (2) to catch handle of hopper (1). Then tighten screws (8) and nuts (9).


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