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Graco 17V573 Heater Adapter Kit (Heater purchased separately)

Graco 17V573 Heater Adapter Kit (Heater purchased separately)

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For connecting a heater to the King sprayer.


  1. 166590 FITTING, elbow, street, high pressure 1
  2. 16T315 BUSHING, reducing, 3/4 nptf x 1/2 npt 1
  3. H75004 HOSE, cpld, 7250 psi, .50 ID, 4 ft 1
  4. 156877 FITTING, nipple, long 1
  5. 158683 FITTING, elbow, 90 degree 2
  6. 111192 SCREW, cap flange hd 1
  7. 100133 WASHER, lock, 3/8 4
  8. 100131 NUT, full hex 4
  9. 17V597 BRACKET, heater, painted 1
  10. 16R984 SCREW, M8 4

1. Disconnect existing fluid hose from the Xtreme lower or DuraFlo lower.
2. Connect the elbow fitting (5) and the end of the fluid supply hose to the bottom inlet on the heater.
3. Connect elbow fitting (1 or 5) to the lower and bushing (2) if needed.
4. Connect the other end of the hose (3) to the lower.
5. See Heater Hose Routing Guide, on page 2 to properly route the hose.


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