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Global Finishing Solutions Peelable White Solvent Based Floor

Global Finishing Solutions Peelable White Solvent Based Floor

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DESCRIPTION Solvent based peelable paint booth floor coating

Peelable White Solvent Based Floor coating:

  • Creates a seamless, temporary coating for paint booth floors
  • Surpasses booth paper in durability and eliminates the labor required to prep floors, lay paper and tape seams
  • Sprays easily and peels readily
  • Peelable White Solvent Based Floor coating color reflects light and improves overall brightness in the booth
  • Dries to the touch in 15 minutes and withstands normal booth traffic in one hour


  • New cement, unsealed or porous floors should be coated with Booth Shield Floor Prep before topcoating with the Peelable White Solvent Based Floor coating. Refer to the Floor Prep data sheet for additional information.
  • Scrape overspray accumulation and residue from the floor and fill and level large cracks and indentations. Vacuum, sweep or blow off loose dirt and residue.

Mix well prior to use. Apply when the air, product and surface temperatures are above 50°F (10°C) and at least 5°F (3°C) above the dew point.

Airless spray is recommended for this application because of its high delivery rate and large spray pattern. Criss-cross floors in overlapping passes to achieve high film builds quickly. Recommended spray setup:

  • Binks Infinity: 30:1 pump or equivalent
  • Gun: Binks Pit Bull 3500
  • Tip Size: 0.02-0.025 in.
  • 2000-2500 psi atomizing pressure

The film strength of Peelable White Solvent Based Floor coating increases with greater dry film thickness (dft).

  1. Check the release when dry. If necessary, recoat to make the film stronger and easier to peel off.
  2. To assist the release, a light coat of Booth Shield FloorPrep may be applied as a release agent.
    Note: Booth traffic should be monitored to avoid premature release in heavy traffic areas.
  3. For patching and small areas:
    HVLP: Binks M1-G,
    Fluid Nozzle: 97
    Air Cap: 93P

Note: One quart of Peelable White Solvent Based Floor coating covers approximately 9 sq. ft. at 8 mils dft.

Peelable White Solvent Based Floor coating dries in 30-60 minutes at 77°F (25° C) and 50 percent relative humidity.

Drying time will be extended by high humidity, cold temperatures and increased film thickness. Peelable White Solvent Based Floor coating dries to the touch in 15 minutes and withstands normal booth traffic in one hour.

Clean equipment with Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK).

Protect from freezing.


  • Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame
  • Use only with adequate ventilation
  • Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor or spray mist
  • Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin
  • Keep container closed when not in use
  • For industrial use only
  • Observe all precautionary information on product label
  • Consult Peelable White Solvent Based Floor coating safety data sheet (SDS) for other hazards and precautionary information


  • In case of skin contact, flush with plenty of water
  • For eyes, flush with plenty of water for 15 minutes and seek medical attention
  • If affected by inhalation of vapor, remove to fresh air
  • If swallowed, CALL A PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT induce vomiting
  • Observe all precautionary information on product label



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