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GFS Six-Tube Fixture T8 Led Paint Booth Light Fixture

GFS Six-Tube Fixture T8 Led Paint Booth Light Fixture

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This is a non-returnable item. Ships with Regular and LED Bulb

T8 LED Lamps are an ideal energy saving choice for shops and businesses. LED Lamps are compatible with linear light fixtures from Global Finishing Solutions® (GFS) including inside access, corner and general purpose light fixtures. When retrofitting LEDs into existing GFS equipment, it’s as simple as changing out the tubes.

T8 LED Lamps offer significant energy savings — up to 40 percent* when compared to traditional fluorescent 32 watt T8 systems. Lower energy consumption allows for short payback periods, making it more cost-effective to upgrade to LED. T8 LED Lamps provide the following

Wattage 14 watts/tube
Color Temperature 5000 K
Brightness 2100 lumens
Color Rendering Index  82 CRI

*Actual savings depend on your system configuration.

T8 LED Lamps emit virtually no ultraviolet or infrared light and don’t contain mercury, allowing for nonhazardous waste disposal. Waste is minimized when switching to LEDs since the tubes can be installed in existing light fixtures.

T8 LED Lamps last longer than traditional fluorescent bulbs, providing up to a 50,000 hour life span that eliminates the need to frequently replace the tubes.

Existing GFS linear light fixtures maintain their original ETL listing when switching over to LED since the LED Lamps use the existing electrical wiring. New GFS light fixtures with LED lamps are also ETL listed.

You no longer have to worry about dropping and shattering your lights. T8 LED Lamps are glass-free, creating safer working conditions.

No need to wait for light fixtures to turn on — T8 LED Lamps turn on instantly at full luminosity, with no flicker or buzz.


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