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Walcom Genesi HTE Base Carbon Fiber Carbonio With Digital Gauge & Regulator
Walcom Genesi HTE Base Carbon Fiber Carbonio With Digital Gauge & Regulator

Walcom Genesi HTE Base Carbon Fiber Carbonio With Digital Gauge & Regulator

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Italian engineered HTE BASE with HP-High Paint layout air cap, providing precise atomisation, distribution, orientation and flow of pigments, dyes, metals and pearls. A 12 hole atomising nozzle and cap combination, precise and wide range of adjustments for fan, air and paint flow, these are details that makes this an Italian made masterpiece, perfect for laying down flawless coats of todays most demanding base coats and colours. Definitely a must for any refinish or custom painting professional applying high quality base coats, candy paints and other high-impact performance coatings.


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