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Cyclone DC4000 Expanded Duty Dust Collector
Cyclone DC4000 Expanded Duty Dust Collector
Cyclone DC4000 Expanded Duty Dust Collector
Cyclone DC4000 Expanded Duty Dust Collector

Cyclone DC4000 Expanded Duty Dust Collector

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Cyclone Model DC4000 dust collector is our expanded duty dust collector. It's called "expanded duty" because it offers over four times the airflow of our standard dust collector, the DC 1500. Why would you need so much airflow? Larger cabinets and dirtier abrasives are two excellent examples of the need for a larger dust collector.

Cyclone assembles every DC4000 by hand in their own facility, checking each unit for quality and testing the unit prior to shipping. When your unit arrives, a few simple steps leads you to a much cleaner environment and better visibility while using your sandblast cabinet.

The Cyclone Manufacturing Model DC4000 is an excellent addition to any sandblast cabinet. When used properly this unit is capable of extracting airborne waste material inside a blast cabinet during sandblasting. This allows the user a better opportunity to see their sandblast activity while in use to avoid damaging the work piece.

The DC4000 is built to last, and under normal use and with proper maintenance there is little downtime with this unit.


  • 400 CFM
  • Blower Driven
  • Cartridge Filter and Prefilter
  • Constructed of 16 gauge welded steel



Overall Dimensions 19" (w) x 19"(d) x 72"(h)
Opening 16" x 26 1/2"
Hose 6' - 2-1/4" ID
Electrical 110 Volts, 60 Hz, 1/3 Horsepower
Construction 16 Gauge Welded Steel
Filter Paper cartridge filter and cloth wrap
Weight 225 pounds
Efficiency 400 CFM, 9" Direct Drive 3450 RPM Motor


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