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Crushed Glass Abrasive Sandblasting Media

Crushed Glass Abrasive Sandblasting Media

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Crushed Glass Abrasive Sandblasting Media

Collected from curbside waste, the feed-stock for Crushed Glass Abrasive Blasting Media is waste glass . Washing, cleaning and crushing of this waste glass produces a blast media.  Blasting with Crushed Glass will achieve a moderate profile and a near white metal blast. Medium to heavy coatings, heavy rust, and heavy mill scale are all suitable for blasting with Crushed Glass. It's sharp profile is advantageous for removing flexible coatings. Crushed Glass is also extensively used for blasting on concrete.


  • Grades: 10/40, 20/40, 20/40, 40/70, 70/100
  • Blasting Speed: 50 - 150 ft²/hr
  • Dust factor: Medium
  • Recyclability: 1/10
  • Consumption rate: 5-12 lb/ft²


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