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Cox Hose Reels - MPD "Dual Hydraulic"  Series (1587697123363)
Cox Hose Reels - MPD "Dual Hydraulic"  Series (1587697123363)

Cox Hose Reels - MPD "Dual Hydraulic" Series

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COXREELS® MPD Series "Dual Hydraulic" hose reels have similar features to their related series but have been redesigned to handle dual hydraulic applications. spring driven retraction reel at 3,000 PSI.


• Garage Settings, Hydraulic Rescue Tools, Fire Rescue


    Professional grade heavy duty steel construction
    Rolled edges & ribbed discs provide strength & safety
    Leading 2-year manufacturer's limited warranty
    Made in the U.S.A. - Sold & Supported Worldwide

    SWIVEL - External fluid path with dual port melanized 90◦ full-flow NPT swivel for simple seal maintenance and fast and easy hose installation. No need to remove the reel from its mount.
    CARTRIDGE MOTOR - Lubricated and enclosed cartridge-style motor is easily removable for safe and convenient maintenance.
    CNC SPUN DISCS - Heavy duty CNC robotically spun and ribbed discs with rolled edges for greater strength, durability, hose protection, and operator safety.
    1/4" STEEL BASE - Sturdy single pedestal design with solid one piece steel base and support post, no weld, for maximum stability and professional grade strength without the weight.
    Exclusive Super Hub™dual axle support system.
    MULTI-POSITION GUIDE ARM - Versatile aluminum guide arm adjusts to wall, floor, ceiling, and vehicle mounting positions.
    OTHER FEATURES INCLUDE - long lasting, chip resistant and rust inhibiting CPC powder coat finish, one-side supply/return hookup, adjustable solid rubber hose stop, and sturdy permanently lubricated precision bearings.


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    1/2"1000-20002500 PSI3/8"30 ft.3000 PSI50 ft.500-1000bf2023Carbon SteelDual HydraulicsGrease / HydraulicsLeadTime2weeksnomapnot canadapmax ad hose reelpmax ad hose reelsreelsrepriceROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledSpring Driven