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Clemco POWER GUN H2O w/ Hopper and Cart

Clemco POWER GUN H2O w/ Hopper and Cart

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POWER GUN H2O: Portable Suction Wetblaster Conveniently Wetblast When a Full-Scale Wetblast System Is More Than You Need

Wet or Dry Blast; Convenient Controls
The water and abrasive controls are located at the operator’s fingertips, and the knob at the back of the gun adjusts blast pressure. These features enable quick and easy switching between wet and dry blast modes, as well as washdown and air blow-off.

Quick Setup
The Power Gun H2O sets up in minutes and operates with pressurized water from a water faucet or municipal water supply. If the job location is farther from the water supply, a garden hose can be attached to the water hose that comes with the gun. After attaching the compressed air and water supplies, partially insert the suction lance into the abrasive supply, and you are ready to wetblast.

Wetblasting Advantages
The Power Gun H2O suppresses dust by mixing a small amount of water with abrasive before the mixture exits the nozzle. This dust suppression:

  • Reduces cleanup time.
  • Increases visibility.
  • Decreases the zone of influence where hazardous dust may circulate.
Common Uses
Use the Power Gun H2O with most 12-mesh or finer abrasives to:
  • Clean or etch metal.
  • Clean masonry.
  • Etch glass or other durable surfaces.
  • Touch up work.
  • Do other small or common jobs.


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