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Clemco BNP 160 Tumble Basket Blast Cabinet
Clemco BNP 160 Tumble Basket Blast Cabinet

Clemco BNP 160 Tumble Basket Blast Cabinet

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Ideal for Cell Manufacturing
A production suction-type blast cleaning machine with a small footprint, the BNP-160 fits nicely in the work flow stream helping to eliminate unnecessary handling or worker movement. With all controls accessible from one side, the BNP-160 fits in small work areas.

Easy Operation
You simply load the parts and set the timer, then come back later to unload cleaned or finished parts. By varying the time, blast pressure, media type, media flow, tumble speed and blast duration, you can engineer a process that delivers perfect parts, then repeat it all for subsequent batches. As the parts tumble, the nozzle uniformly blasts all exposed surfaces.

Feature Packed
For small occasional batches or use up to 8 hours per day, the BNP-160 features a 2-gallon tumble basket for processing up to 25 pound loads. It has a reclaimer for media cleaning and reverse-pulse collector, which pulses with every basket revolution. The unit is equipped with an easy set-it and forget-it 60-minute timer. The BNP-160 is suitable for most common reusable media, 60-mesh to 180-mesh, specifically manufactured for blasting.

Safety Door interlock system prevents blasting if door is not securely latched.


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100 CFM Exhaust10000-1500029"(W) x 60"(H) x 27"(D)bf2023catchallshipclemcoFits in Small Works AreasHigh ship cost ; ship cost added to shopify costLargenogooglenot canadapmax ad sandblast cabinetPressure BlastROAS 3RP-2 Medium to High Productionsandblast cabinetSandblastingspo-defaultspo-disabledWith Reclaimer