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Campbell Hausfeld DH420000AV General-Purpose Spray Gun with 1 Quart Canister

Campbell Hausfeld DH420000AV General-Purpose Spray Gun with 1 Quart Canister

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Product Overview

The Campbell Hausfeld DH420000AV General-Purpose Spray Gun offers versatility, easily switching from siphon to pressure-feed mode to accommodate a range of materials, including latex, lacquer, enamel paints, stains, and primers. The fluid control knob allows you to adjust the material flow for optimal results. It can be converted from a non-bleeder to a bleeder style, making it compatible with both standard and tankless air compressors, as well as paint tanks and remote canisters for larger jobs. Complete your projects more efficiently with Campbell Hausfeld, your trusted air power expert.


  • Fluid control adjusts the paint flow for consistent, even results
  • Convertible from non-bleeder to bleeder style for compatibility with standard or tankless air compressors
  • Pressure-feed gun can be switched to siphon feed mode, suitable for various materials like latex, lacquer, enamel, stain, and primer
  • Works with paint tanks and remote canisters for handling larger paint jobs


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