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Campbell Hausfeld 3-in-1 Tire Inflation gun w/ Gauge

Campbell Hausfeld 3-in-1 Tire Inflation gun w/ Gauge

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The Campbell Hausfeld tire inflator with gauge (AA551400) combines an inflation gun, air chuck and pressure gauge in one convenient unit that’s easy to use — even one handed. A clip on design enables hands-free use of the chuck while inflating tires; the pressure gauge accurately shows the amount of air in the tire from 10 – 100 PSI. If a tire has been overinflated, the built-in relief valve makes deflating easy. Includes a flexible hose to make reaching tire stems easier.
Easy to use when connected to your air compressor, the MP600000AV combines 3 tools in one compact design—an inflation gun, chuck and gauge (requires air compressor)
The flexible hose helps you maneuver move easily into heel wells and other tight spaces

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