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C.A Technologies AMCPR Automatic Spray Gun

C.A Technologies AMCPR Automatic Spray Gun

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The AMCPR from C.A.T. combines the transfer efficiency of HVLP with the speed and finish quality of conventional air spray. Included with each AMCPR are the CPR and HVLP air cap for multi-application purposes. Each AMCPR has the ability to be used in circulating or non circulating systems and are block mount ready for flatline machinery.

Air Inlet 1/4” NPS (m)
Fluid Inlet  3/8 NPS (m)
Weight  24 oz.
Requires 11 CFM @ 29 PSI (Compliant Air Cap)
Requires  13.5 CFM @ 45 PSI (HVLP Air Cap)

Available with standard manifold. Cefla® manifold available upon request.


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