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Binks 60 Gallons ASME Galvanized Pressure Tank - Single Regulated & No Agitator

Binks 60 Gallons ASME Galvanized Pressure Tank - Single Regulated & No Agitator

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Binks 60 Gallon Stainless Steel Pressure Tank

The Binks pressure pot is 60 gallons & features a stainless steel construction. This is appropriate for solvent based materials and is ASME rated. Disposable liners are available for easy cleaning.

• Binks A.S.M.E. code tanks meet OSHA regulations when using flammable and combustible materials 
• Constructed from heavy gauge steel with forged steel clamps
• Higher pressure rating for heavier materials
• Range offers complete material handling suitability for solvent and waterborne coatings
• Inner liners reduce cleaning time and save coating material

Binks pressure feed containers are used to allow the coating material to be prepared, thinned and conditioned, constantly agitated (if required) and then supplied in bulk to consistently maintain the correct spraying viscosity and pressure.

The Binks range is equipped with easy to operate air regulators (to set the desired fluid outlet pressure), safety pressure relief valves and manual, rotary or oscillating agitation types are available to provide the best quality agitation.

Binks Pressure Feed Containers are constructed from the highest-grade materials and fully comply with global pressure regulations including PED, ATEX and ASME.

Stainless Steel Pressure Tank

Stainless Steel Pressure Tanks are suitable for virtually all fluids and solvents. They are ASME certified and permanently labeled for 110 PSIG maximum working pressure. Tanks and lids are constructed of heavy gauge 304 stainless steel and are also electro polished. All models are equipped with top outlet and bottom outlet plug, which can be adapted for bottom outlet. Additionally, these tanks are fitted with 100% stainless steel non-corrosive and non-corroding wetted parts.


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10000-1500060 galall other productsbf2023binkscatchallshipNon Agitated (Standard)not canadapaintspraygunROAS 3Single Regulatorspo-defaultspo-disabledStainless Steel tank