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BE Power Equipment 4,400 PSI @ 4.0 GPM Gas Pressure Washer w/ KOHLER CH440 Engine & Triplex Pump
BE Power Equipment 4,400 PSI @ 4.0 GPM Gas Pressure Washer w/ KOHLER CH440 Engine & Triplex Pump
BE Power Equipment 4,400 PSI @ 4.0 GPM Gas Pressure Washer w/ KOHLER CH440 Engine & Triplex Pump

BE Power Equipment 4,400 PSI @ 4.0 GPM Gas Pressure Washer w/ KOHLER CH440 Engine & Triplex Pump

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Rugged Kohler engine reliably drives the pump with power to spare. Designed to be used all day, everyday.

Direct drive system connects the engine to the pump for a compact and efficient power transfer.

Commercial grade General triplex pump featuring die-cast body, forged brass manifold, one-piece plungers, thermal release valve and improved heat dissipation.

External unloader provides enhanced cooling and be set to dump-to-ground bypass water to maximize cooling system.

Accessories include high-pressure hose, spray gun wand assembly, and spray nozzles so that it can be used right out of the box.

Powder coated steel frame with storage for accessories, and 12” flat free tires easily handles going over rough terrain.


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