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Baileigh Industrial - 220V 3 Phase 15HP 25" NC Controlled HD Planer, 9" Maximum Cutting Height

Baileigh Industrial - 220V 3 Phase 15HP 25" NC Controlled HD Planer, 9" Maximum Cutting Height

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Designed for fast, consistent, low-effort production, this 25”industrial planer lets you set the bed height through a programmable logic controller. No more turning a handwheel to find your thickness!

    • 10 hp motor has enough muscle to smooth full 25” boards.
    • Spiral cutter head (included) spins at 5,000 rpm.
    • Rows of rotatable carbide blades make the spiral cutter head last much longer and work more quietly than a straight-knife cutter.
    • Runs on 220-volt single-phase power, so you can use this sophisticated machine in almost any shop.
    • Can smooth off up to .25” of material at one time.
    • Variable speed from 20 to 30 feet per minute, so you can finetune to get the exact speed you need for your material and finish.
    • 25” x 32” main cast iron table expands to an even larger 25” x 57”, supporting your material and helping you create straight, smooth boards.
    • Programmable controller makes it simple to set the height. Just enter what you want, and the bed automatically moves to that setting.
    • Controller includes automatic backlash compensation to produce exact, repeatable thicknesses.
    • Segmented steel infeed roll allows you to smooth multiple boards with different heights at once, increasing your productivity.
    • Durable dual steel outfeed roll moves boards along to the cutting head.
    • You can set the quick-adjust bed rolls high to reduce friction on rough-sawn stock, or adjust them lower for straighter, smoother results.
    • Segmented chip breaker prevents large chips or strips of wood from clogging up the machine or your dust collector.
    • Solid iron pressure bar applies even force across the boards to avoid chipping.
    • Anti-kickback fingers grip the material so it’s less like to shoot back out if there’s a problem at the cutter head.
    • Oversized bearing housings ensure quiet performance and long life.


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