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Baileigh Industrial - 220V 1Phase Multi-Function Power Hammer. 16 Gauge Mild Steel Capacity.  19" Throat Depth

Baileigh Industrial - 220V 1Phase Multi-Function Power Hammer. 16 Gauge Mild Steel Capacity. 19" Throat Depth

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  • See what Greenstone from Cutworm Specialties has to say about the Baileigh Power Hammer MH-19 You can watch his video on the Baileigh MH-19 Power Hammer here! If you are into metal forming and shaping there is currently only one machine that you should have in your shop.

  • That machine is the MH-19 power hammer from Baileigh Industrial.

  • The MH-19 is truly a do it all machine.

  • The MH in MH-19 stands for multi-hammer because if does multiple things, but unlike other combination machines that you see, the MH-19 does them all well.

  • There truly is nothing that this machine can’t do.

  • The MH-19 power hammer is a 220 volt single phase machine has the ability to transform itself from a rigid style like a Pullmax® style machine, to a spring slapping style like a Yoder® style machine, or even a very heavy duty English wheel.

  • When operating in the rigid mode, there is no "give" between the die heads.

  • Used for short stroke shaping, flanging.

  • Tooling designs and profiles are endless, but some of the options are mechanical shrinking, stretching dies, flanging dies, and louvers.

  • The spring setup with "Throw the die" causing a dead blow hammering effect.

  • When in this mode the total amount of pressure applied when the dies hit the metal is increase exponentially.

  • This mode would be used for aggressive shrinking and planishing, many different tooling profiles can be used.

  • An optional English wheel kit can be purchased for the MH-19 power hammer to even bring more versatility in the machine.

  • The quality of the English wheel kit is second to none and is very rigid, which is important when finishing metal.

  • The MH-19 uses an inverter to obtain various speeds for operation.

  • Speeds range from 0 to 1500 beats per minute, speed is adjusted one of two ways; either with the operator controlled foot pedal or on the operator panel where he/she can lock in their speed.

  • Another key feature of the MH-19 power hammer is “on the fly” stroke adjustments.


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