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Asahi HB2020-SB Air ElectroStatic Hand Gun

Asahi HB2020-SB Air ElectroStatic Hand Gun

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Asahi HB2020-SB Air ElectroStatic Hand Gun

Highly-Efficient nozzles fit your needs

Two types of nozzles are available, offering a high rate of paint transfer and excellent atomization.
Eco-Friendly Design
Compatible with water-based paint, which is gentle to humans and the environment.
New nozzle types enable environmental and peripheral improvements to be made on the coating site.
Helps you Spend Less
A high rate of paint transfer cuts down on wasted paint and time, saving you a good deal of money.
Designed for Safety
A high-voltage generator is embedded in the coating gun providing a high level of safety.
This product has been internationally certified for its safety features in three categories (EN, FM, CSA).
Easy Maintenance
Simple assembly makes for easy maintenance.


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5000-7000asahibf2023catchallshipnot canadapmax ad electrostatic spray gunROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledWater-Based