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Apollo 8400 Metal Silver HVLP Conversion Spray Gun

Apollo 8400 Metal Silver HVLP Conversion Spray Gun

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Good things come in small packages. The Apollo 8400 Super-Spray®gun is a full featured compact HVLP production spray gun offering a wide range of options. It is designed in the unique Apollo Tri-Mode™ configuration allowing the spray gun to be used with  a either a fluid feed standard production bottom spray style gun. cup, Use a gravity the 8400 cup, for or any as task from touch-up to light production. It's feather light weight reduces operator fatigue resulting in fewer finishing errors. Enjoy low overspray and a flawless finish.

  • Compact lightweight design reduces operator fatigue
  • Stainless steel fluid components
  • Increased substrate visibility with Tri-Mode™ Gravity Feed
  • Durable and reliable
  • 2-year written warranty

Nozzle /Needle sizes available:
1.0mm (installed) 1.3mm 1.5mm

Air Caps available:
1.0mm (installed),
1.3mm and 1.5mm.

Required Air Pressure and Volume:
7-30 psi and 3-6 cfm


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