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Allegro Venturi Blowers, Metal
Allegro Venturi Blowers, Metal
Allegro Venturi Blowers, Metal

Allegro Venturi Blowers, Metal

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Compressed air or saturated steam is the power source for our Venturi Blower line. Small volumes of high velocity air (from the compressed air source) run through the casting and out the nozzle jets, creating a venturi or pulling action that creates large volumes of air through the Venturi and out the air diffuser.

A 1/2” hose with a “crows foot” connection is recommended from your air supply source to the side inlet connection. The compressor size required can be determined by checking the chart on air consumed at various inlet pressures. Operate this Venturi Blower on air or steam lines limited to 140 psi.

  • Lightweight construction
  • Convenient carry handles for one-person portability to any location
  • No guards required
  • Multiple inlet ports
  • Sturdy steel galvanized steel diffuser
  • All models include a crow’s foot inlet connection
  • Static ground connection attached to the inlet housing (for use in hazardous locations)
  • Single piece cast aluminum inlet housing


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