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3M *Highland™ Masking Tape 24/Cs 1/2"

3M *Highland™ Masking Tape 24/Cs 1/2"

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A tan, smooth crepe paper treated with a heat and solvent resistant saturant, using a rubber-based adhesive.

An automotive refinish masking tape designed with balanced construction for consistent unwind, conformability and easy tear. This tape has the high adhesion ideal for most paint masking applications.

The unique balance of adhesive and backing provides a high degree of resistance to tearing or slivering on removal.

This tape has excellent conformability and easy tear and can be used at bake temperatures up to 250º F (121º C) for one hour. Tape 2727 should not be subjected to outdoor exposure or prolonged periods of sunlight exposure because the tape may become very difficult to remove.

  • Engineered as our highest adhesion masking tape with superior performance in hot and humid environments
  • Balanced construction for consistent unwind and easy tear
  • Rubber-based adhesive provides quick stick for fast application
  • Smooth crepe paper backing with classic feel and reliable performance


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0.5"180 '3mAdhesive Rubber Tapeall other productsbf2023catchallshipdisc5not canadaprisyncROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledTan Tapetapeunder-200