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Wagner Studio Plus Sprayer (1587610812451)
Wagner Studio Plus Sprayer (1587610812451)
Wagner Studio Plus Sprayer (1587610812451)
Wagner Studio Plus Sprayer (1587610812451)

Wagner Studio Plus Sprayer

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Studio Plus HVLP Stationary Sprayer

Designed with the upcycling semi-professional in mind, the Studio Plus HVLP Stationary Sprayer enables you to finish small to medium projects faster and with less paint waste.
Two air power adjustments and variable paint flow settings provide the control you need and the finish you want for every piece. From chalk, milk and latex paints (thinning may be necessary) to stains, urethanes and sealers, the Studio Plus is designed to spray any coating to create the look you want.
Two different nozzles provide the flexibility for different project types, finishes and covering speed.

  • Perfect for small to medium size craft/hobby projects
  • Control finish nozzle creates a semi-smooth finish
  • Detail finish nozzle creates a smooth finish
  • 15′ air hose for easy maneuverability around painting projects, providing a 30′ working area
  • Lightweight design: handle and cup weigh only 1.4 lbs (dry weight; does not include any painter material)


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200-500all other productsbf2023catchallshipCordedElectricHandheldpaintsprayerpmax ad handheld paint sprayersprisyncprisynctoadd100324repriceROAS 4Small to Medium AreaSolvent Basedspo-defaultspo-disabledSprays Decorative Paints like Chalk Type and Milk (thinning may be necessary). Also Sprays Specialty Furniture/Cabinet Paints Plus Stains/Sealers/Lacquers.wagner